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The Cannonball is a ball used from a cannon of the wagon that is fired by Scout. It is a Weapon but it cannot attack automatically as you need to click on a bomb using your mouse or press a number on your keyboard (depending on the bomb you want to fire). Note that two of the cannonballs are beneficial for the soldiers and the rest will damage enemies. In the following order, the Cannonball has the quickest recharge, and the Ice Bomb is the slowest.

Upon reaching day 3, the player is shown that they have acquired a new Cannonball. The Basic Cannonball is the first type of cannonball used in Jacksmith. It is acquired in the Lowlands. These are the 6 types of cannonballs:

  1. Cannonball. It is a regular cannonball that damages the enemy for helpful reasons: When the soldier's weapon is damage and When battling the last wave.
  2. Fire Bomb. It is a fiery cannonball that damages the enemy over time. Severely okay for Water Enemies and Arctic Enemies/Freezing enemies.
  3. Repair Bomb. It is a cannonball with a health logo and it will repair some of the durability on all your weapons.
  4. Lightning Bomb. Deals electric damage to Lightning enemies and reduces their attack power.
  5. Booster Bombs. It is a cannonball with a booster logo and it will give all of your soldiers a boosted attack for a limited time.
  6. Ice Bomb. It is a ball that freezes the enemy, helpful for Water or Fire enemies. It will also stun the enemy. If timed right, it can interrupt enemy attacks. It also has the longest recharge.

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